Third Grade Supply List

 5 three prong two pocket folders (in solid colors only)
 3 packages of #2 pencils (10 pack or larger)
 4 packages of wide rule notebook paper
 1 pkg. of 16 or 24 crayons only
 1 package of 4 x 6 index cards
 1 bottle hand sanitizer
  1 bottle of anti-bacterial hand soap (or a refill)
 2 boxes of tissues
 1 container of Clorox wipes (not baby wipes)
 1 box of quart Ziploc bags (girls only)
 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags (boys only)
 1 ream of copy paper
 $6.00 for PTA membership
 Bring a chapter book for silent reading before class.
 A big smile and a terrific attitude.

We suggest that you purchase multiplication flash cards for home practice. 

* Optional Supplies for our class:

Glue stick(s)
Small supply box
Wrapped candy